Being old is optional, it must be Young. Youth in action, youth in mind. The young must, make it in our dictionary. Because we think we are young, we have a high motivation to work. In any form, for example in the form of writings-books, artwork, creative works, etc.. It certainly has many benefits and challenges.
Regarding the figure of the young man, supported in writing a character named Sayyid Abul A'la Al-Mawdudi (a prominent Islamic leaders in Pakistan and is one of the greatest philosophers and mujaddid Islam in the late 20th century). In his book "Wahai Pemuda Islam Mana Andilmu" (translation), he describes the figure of youth. Youth is like a raging blood in the body, is very sensitive to any event. If he is attracted by something and he sees it as something that can be achieved, then he was willing to sacrifice for her regardless of the risks. In this book, a figure described as an adventurous youth crime can also be a figure of heroic fighters for truth, pioneering the development and renewal. So, of course, we chose the latter.
But to be young was a lot of challenges. Especially being young in this era, the era of which we may call "Time of Madness". Negative influences that affect us as much out of the younger generation. Affect the youth, as the agent of change (which we think is mandatory labels printed on every youth of Indonesia, not just students).
I am now concerned about the condition of our country now. Indeed, the negative effect is not always obvious tangible, but often I have encountered the influence of abstract form of a war of ideas (whether it's true or not, I feel a definite negative impact). For instance, our youth treated with news that should not be given. We'll see emerging news lately. Many news show negative things and keep negative. News of "sorry" cheating, violence, sexual immorality (which is now rampant), corruption. Indeed on the other hand, the news has benefited us know if we become aware or open-minded with things like that. However, I think a greater negative impact on our youth. The impact that we all feel at this moment, young perverted, depraved, and behavior. Maybe my friends or I really do not want that to happen. So, start with us to make such changes. Make it or teach our youth to youth who are active, creative and full of action in his favor. Lots of media that can be utilized.
Changes must occur. Remember guys, now it is 2013, the year we are likely to do for a change. And we as young people (call them: youth) should have a significant role in the renewal of a good change of course. Do not just think we are indifferent to it. Do not get us went along to "ALAY" you know,,,,, that "may" is currently a trend in Indonesia. Embarrassing. Be young man who has a strong vision and mission to make a good change in our country. Youth who have action. In what way ..?? You know, what your abilities ....
by. Immawati Tri Mei L (Pai Umy 2010)
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